Professional Sequence

Year One (32 Credits)

Summer Credits
BI 542 Gross Anatomy (4)
PT 540 Overview of Physical Therapy (2)
PT 544 Introduction to Critical Inquiry (3)
Total: 9 

Fall Credits
BI 532 Biomechanics and Kinesiology (3)
BI 533 Neuroscience (3)
PT 541 Basic Principles of Physical Therapy (4)
PT 546 Clinical Education Seminar I (2)
Total: 12

Winter/Spring Credits
BI 538 Physiology of Exercise (3)
PT 564 MS Assessment and Tx I (4)
PT 556 Clinical Education Seminar II (2)
PT 611 Motor Learning and Control (2)
Total: 11 

Year Two (32 Credits)

Summer Credits
PT 560 Physical Agents, Mechanical and Electrotherapeutic Modalities (2)
PT 614 MS Assessment and Tx II (4)
PT 621 Cardiopulmonary Assessment and Treatment I (4)
PT 623 Teaching and Learning (1)
Total: 11

Fall Credits
PT 562 Clinical Medicine: Musculoskeletal Management (4)
PT 566 Clinical Education Seminar III (1)
PT 624 NM Assessment and Tx I (4)
PT 862 Physical Therapy Pharmacology (2)
Total: 11

Winter/Spring Credits
PT 637 Clinical Experience I (3)
PT 634 NM Assessment and Tx II (4)
PT 639 Research I (3)
Total: 10

Year Three (27 Credits)

Summer Credits
PT 742 Special Topics in Physical Therapy I (2)
PT 616 Clinical Education Seminar IV (1)
PT 882 Diagnostic Imaging (2)
PT 846 Advanced Principles of Physical Therapy (3)
Total: 8

Fall Credits
PT 757 Clinical Experience II (4)
PT 884 Medical Screening (2)
PT 842 Special Topics in PT II (2)
PT 844 Advanced Clinical Seminar (3)
Total: 11

Winter/Spring Credits
PT 740 Physical Therapy Administration and Management (2)
PT 767 Clinical Experience III (3)
PT 789 Research II (1)
PT 860 Health Promotion & Wellness (2)
Total: 8

Year Four (8 Credits)

Summer Credits
PT 770 Professional Development (2)
PT 797 Clinical Experience IV (4)
PT 889 Research III (2)
Total: 8

The post-baccalaureate student who has satisfied the prerequisites can make application to the Physical Therapy Program. Upon successful completion of the Physical Therapy curriculum, the student will be awarded a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.


All candidates must apply online utilizing the APTA’s Centralized Application Service which can be accessed here:


The following prerequisites must be completed prior to admission to the entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.

  • Biology I, II 4, 4 cr
  • Statistics 3 cr
  • Anatomy and Physiology I, II 4, 4 cr
  • Physics I, II 4, 4 cr
  • Developmental Psychology I, II 3, 3 cr
  • Chemistry I,II 4, 4 cr

Prerequisite courses are offered by Dominican University in either the traditional semester-based weekday schedule or the Weekend College format. Although the prerequisite courses may be taken at other accredited colleges or universities, preference for admission to the Physical Therapy Program is given to the most qualified applicants who have taken 30 or more credits at Dominican.

The overall grade point average, as well as in the prerequisites grade point average, must be at least 3.0 with no course grade lower than a C. A 3.0 G.P.A. is also required for the last 60 credits of the student’s most recent coursework as a whole.

Applicants whose native language is not English must obtain a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (T.O.E.F.L.) or 213 on the computer-based T.O.E.F.L. (C.B.T.).

Voluntary/Work Clinical Experience

In addition to the prerequisite courses, all applicants must document a total of 100 hours of voluntary or work experience in settings where a licensed physical therapist is employed. These hours must be completed in diverse healthcare settings providing exposure to therapeutic intervention across the life span. While 100 clinical experience hours are mandatory, it is recommended to complete 200 hours.

Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS)

Applications received after the deadline date will be considered subject to space availability in the entering class. To learn more about the PTCAS application process and to get started, please go the PTCAS website at Once processed, the Admissions Committee looks forward to receiving your application. If you encounter difficulty with the PTCAS, please do not contact the program. Inquiries should be made directly to Customer Service at