3+3 B.A. in Biology + Doctor of Physical Therapy
Overview Admissions Requirements & Expectations
Traditional means of graduating with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy can take an average of 7-8 years between a bachelor’s degree, prerequisite requirements and the Physical Therapy Program. Identifying an early interest in the Physical Therapy profession while in high school can help you complete two degrees in 6 years.
The B.A. in Biology is a traditional weekday program and transitions to a weekend based program (Friday- Sunday) every other week for the Physical Therapy Program. The layout allows for a traditional higher education experience while progressing to a flexible hybrid based Physical Therapy Program allowing flexibility in the student’s schedule.

Entering DUNY Freshman requirements:
- High school GPA is at least 3.3.
- At least 4 years of high school science coursework (Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology).
Undergraduate requirements (once in the program):
- Maintain at least a 3.3 GPA overall and in the DPT prerequisite courses (with no prerequisite course grade below a C).
- Undergo a streamlined application to the DPT Program in the fall of their Junior year.
Program Design/Overview
Year 1-3: Dominican University New York’s traditional and transfer students have the option to satisfy some of the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts in Biology (Pre-Med track) while fulfilling the prerequisites of the Physical Therapy Program in the first three years of their academic career.
Year 3: The student will submit their application to the Physical Therapy Program.
- The Biology degree must be completed with at least a 3.3 GPA overall and in the DPT prerequisite courses (with no prerequisite course grade below a C).
Year 4: Will consist of the final requirements of the baccalaureate program in Biology integrated with the first year of the Physical Therapy Program, following the weekend format.
Year 5-6: Final 2 years of Physical Therapy school.
- Upon successful completion of the Biology requirements and the Physical Therapy curriculum, the student will be awarded the dual degree B.A./DPT (a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and a Doctor in Physical Therapy, respectively).
- Should an individual successfully complete the first 2 trimesters of the articulated Biology/Physical Therapy professional sequence, but not the remainder of the Physical Therapy Program, and if all other requirements for the Bachelor’s degree have been met, the student earns a Bachelor of Arts in Biology.
Curricular Outline

- Direct entry into a Physical Therapy Program if all standards are met, avoiding a very competitive admissions process.
- Save money by being eligible for financial aid/scholarship for your 1st year of graduate school (PT Program) as you will be in your 4th year of undergraduate (Biology Program) as a Senior.
- Attain 2 degrees 1 year sooner compared to a traditional 4 + 3 format.
- No GRE required.
Benefits of Physical Therapy
- Well respected doctoral profession.
- Well paid.
- In demand with 100% job success rates.
- High job satisfaction.
- Many career opportunities to help people.